angels montessori front photo


In this class, there is a mix of ages (4-, 5-, and 6-year-olds), following the classic Montessori philosophy of mixing students of different ages together. This process helps older children develop greater responsibility, become role models, and gain a sense of accomplishment. The younger students benefit from this experience by imitating the older children and, therefore, have a greater incentive to learn and acquire knowledge. However, students learn and excel at their own speed without feeling left behind, overwhelmed, or bored with old information.




This class is our finishing class that prepares them for first grade. Students learn and practice their writing skills. They are introduced to more complex mathematical concepts such as addition, multiplication, division and subtraction. In terms of language development students start putting three letter words together and reading sentences. Students continue to learn continents, flags, the names of U.S, States, World Atlas, Botany, Computers and advanced Spanish.


LED lights -
Color adjustable and dimmable state of the flicker free LED lights to promote learning. Studies indicate that proper LED lighting can improve concentration, reading speed, comprehension, lower error rates, and create calmer and more relaxed children.

ALEXA SMART SPEAKER - We have a variety of music for each part of the day. Gentle classical music for study time, dance music for exercise and more.

65-INCH TOUCHBOARD - An interactive Touchboard with a Windows PC enables the teacher to save lesson plans, draw key concepts, call up educational videos for a faster more interactive learning experience.

WINDOW SECURITY FILM - 3M Ultra PR50 Security film with 200 lbs/in break strength for super security

AC & HEATING (2024) - New state of the art Central AC system with Google Nest Thermostat



Writing skills,   Addition/Subtraction,  The numerals and counters,   Memory game with numerals and counters,   Linear counting,   Short bead stair, Teen Board: Quantity, symbols Number rods teen presentation,   Ten boards: Quantity, symbols Addition with the stamp game Subtraction with the stamp game,   Geography – Land, Water and Air Land and water forms. Globe land and water Land and water: 2 & 3 dimensions,l Mapping: Hand, Body, Classroom, and Community Continents, flags and name all US states,   Directions North, South, East, West, Computers including reading exercises, sorting, pattern recognition, advanced math including stamp game 4 digit addition,  Advanced Spanish,   Zoology : Parts of the animal Fish, Amphibian Reptile Dinosaur Bird



08:00 – 08:40

Indoor & Outdoor Activities

08:40 – 09:00

Snack Time

09:00 – 09:30

Circle Time
Lesson of the Week, Singing, Dancing,
Introduction to Montessori:
Language, Mathematics, Geography, Geometry,
Spanish Lessons: Mondays & Thursdays

09:30 – 11:15

Individual Work Time
Montessori: Sensorial, Language, Mathematics, Geography, Botany, Zoology, Geometry
Art Projects, Play Dough, Cooking, Dramatic Play  

11:15 - 11:30

Story Time

11:30 –12:00

Lunch Time

12:30 – 02:30

Nap & Rest Time

02:30 – 02:45

Transition Time
Make beds, rest room, wash hands, diaper change, potty training.

02:45 – 03:00

Snack Time

03:00 – 03:50

Indoor Activities
Puzzles, Manipulative, Dramatic Play

03:50 - 04:30

Outdoor Play

04:30 – 05:00

Indoor Play
Reading Stories, Dance, Yoga